Hey there, I’m Rishal Vallabh. I’m an IT Professional in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Welcome to my portfolio of work.

I was born and raised in a small town called Lenasia. I am an Information Technology Professional, currently working in the Banking Industry. I graduated from the University of Johannesburg (UJ) with 3 qualifications. While studying I graduated from the CoachLab Graduate/Leadership academy while doing my BTech IT. I gained not only experience through this academy but additional certifications as a cherry on the top. Currently, I am a Software Engineer at Investec.
I have an immense interest in technology, photography, graphic design, mechanics, and anything that requires problem-solving or creating lasting impressions using a minimalist design style.

When I was younger I wanted to become a motor mechanic, ironically as all Indian parents say “Why dont you do medicine, accounting or IT?”. Naturally I was drawn to technology and that meant out of those three, I chose IT.
NO REGRETS (*smiling really wide),
and the rest is history…
